💾 Create data storage that uses a simple key-value method for Node, Browser, Deno, Bun, Cloudflare Workers
NPM (node, browser, deno, bun, cloudflare)
npm install kv-storage
CDN (browser)
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/kv-storage@0.0.9/dist/umd/kv-storage.js"></script>
//Node & Bun CommonJS import style
const {KVStorage} = require('kv-storage')
//Node, Browser, Deno, Bun & Cloudflare ES Modules import style
import {KVStorage} from 'kv-storage'
//Deno import style
import {KVStorage} from 'npm:kv-storage@0.0.9'
//Node, Browser, Deno & Bun Initialization
const db = await KVStorage({
runtime:'node', //node | browser | deno | bun
//Cloudflare Initialization
const db = await KVStorage({
storageName:'storage', //Cloudflare D1 database name
databaseBinding:env.D1 //Cloudflare D1 database binding env
//Browser initialization if using CDN
const db = await KVStorage({
//Node & Bun CommonJS example
const {KVStorage} = require('kv-storage')
void async function main() {
const db = await KVStorage({
runtime:'node',//node | bun
console.log(await db.put('key','value'))
console.log(await db.get('key'))
console.log(await db.list())
console.log(await db.delete('key'))
console.log(await db.has('key'))
console.log(await db.clear())
//Node, Deno & Bun ES Modules example
import {KVStorage} from 'kv-storage'
void async function main() {
const db = await KVStorage({
runtime:'node',//node | deno | bun
console.log(await db.put('key','value'))
console.log(await db.get('key'))
console.log(await db.list())
console.log(await db.delete('key'))
console.log(await db.has('key'))
console.log(await db.clear())
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/kv-storage@0.0.9/dist/umd/kv-storage.js"></script>
//Browser using CDN example
void async function main() {
const db = await KVStorage({
console.log(await db.put('key','value'))
console.log(await db.get('key'))
console.log(await db.list())
console.log(await db.delete('key'))
console.log(await db.has('key'))
console.log(await db.clear())
<script type="module">
//Browser ES Modules example
import {KVStorage} from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/kv-storage@0.0.9/dist/mjs/kv-storage.js'
void async function main() {
const db = await KVStorage({
console.log(await db.put('key','value'))
console.log(await db.get('key'))
console.log(await db.list())
console.log(await db.delete('key'))
console.log(await db.has('key'))
console.log(await db.clear())
//Deno example
import {KVStorage} from 'npm:kv-storage@0.0.9'
void async function main() {
const db = await KVStorage({
console.log(await db.put('key','value'))
console.log(await db.get('key'))
console.log(await db.list())
console.log(await db.delete('key'))
console.log(await db.has('key'))
console.log(await db.clear())
//Cloudflare workers example
import {KVStorage} from 'kv-storage'
export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
const db = await KVStorage({
storageName:'storage', //Cloudflare D1 database name
databaseBinding:env.D1 //Cloudflare D1 database binding env
let data = []
data.push(await db.put('key','value'))
data.push(await db.get('key'))
data.push(await db.has('key'))
data.push(await db.list())
data.push(await db.delete('key'))
data.push(await db.clear())
return new Response(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))
await init({
runtime = Javascript runtime
storageName = Alphanumeric storage name
databaseBinding = Cloudflare only D1 database binding env
Supported runtime :
use File Systemdeno
use File System need --allow-read --allow-write
use IndexedDBbun
use File Systemcloudflare
workers use D1 Database docs example wrangler.tomlawait put(key,value)
The put() method returns a Promise that you should await on to verify a successful update, resolve to true
or false
await get(key)
The get() method returns a promise you can await on to get the value, resolve to the value or false
await list()
Use a list operation to view all the keys that live in a given storage, return a promise which resolves with an object consist of:
await delete(key)
To delete a key-value pair, call the delete() method, resolve to true
or false
await has(key)
To check for the existence of a key, resolve to true
or false
await clear()
To delete all key value pairs, resolve to true
or false
Generated using TypeDoc